In order to buy a Bidvest Bank EasyEquities voucher just follow the simple steps below:

1. Login to your Bidvest Bank Grow account and navigate into your Bidvest Bank EasyEquities account.

2. Click on the stack menu system (to the left of the Bidvest Bank logo as highlighted in yellow in the image below) and then select the 'Buy a Voucher option' (see black arrow)

3. On arrival on the new voucher page, you will be greeted by 2 large blocks (see image below) giving you the opportunity to:

a. Redeem your voucher - (ie. cash in a voucher that you have been given) - the left-hand block

b. Send a voucher - (ie. give you the ability to purchase a voucher for someone else) - the right-hand block

4. Click on the "send a voucher" button.

5. Scroll down the page to just below the 2 large voucher images, where you will see the image below detailing the 3 Easy steps to send an EasyEquities vouchers as a gift.

6. Fill in the amount of money you would like to give by entering the amount into the cell alongside the "How much would you like to give" text (as seen in the image below).


 a. The amount you are using to buy the gift must be available as available funds / free cash in your Bidvest Bank Easy Equities account.

Should you enter an amount that exceeds your free cash available the site will inform you and disallow the request.

If you do not have sufficient free cash in your account to cover the cost of the voucher, you will need to deposit funds into your Bidvest Bank Grow account and then transfer them over to your Bidvest Bank EasyEquities account.

    b. There is a R50 minimum voucher amount (ie. you cannot buy a voucher worth less than R50)

6. Complete the fields in the "Your Details" and "Recipient Details" part of the page, ensuring that all mandatory fields (marked with an *) are complete.

The "Personal Message" cell allows you to add a message for the recipient of the voucher gift you are sending.

7. After entering the voucher amount and completing all the required fields, scrolling down further will show a "Total voucher cost including fees" cell which will display the amount of the voucher with the 1% fee + VAT added.

8. Once you've confirmed the total cost of the voucher, click on the "Send this gift" button to complete the transaction.