Should you want to invest in a particular instrument (share, ETF) or product (basket, bundle) on Bidvest Bank Investments, you are required to fund your account, wait for the funds to be allocated to your account, login to the platform, search for the particular instrument, indicate the amount of money you'd like to invest, confirm your transaction and then submit your instruction to buy or sell.

Now while that sounds difficult, we've actually ensured that it's pretty easy to do on the platform.

But, if you really like a particular instrument or product and want to invest in that item more regularly each time you have the funds available, repeating the process above over and over again in the same manner can be a bit of a chore

And in the same way that we try and make everything easy on the platform, we've developed our Recurring Investment functionality to take care of these regular / repetitive investments in one simple step. 

So if for example you fancy our Cannon Capital Preservation bundle and want to ensure that you Invest the R1,000 you may have spare each month, you can simply set up a Recurring Investment to buy R1,000 worth of that item each Month / Quarter / Year. 

It's as simple as that.

Please note: While you give us the instruction on Bidvest Bank investments to buy a particular share on a particular day of the month, it is imperative that you transfer adequate funds from your Bidvest Grow Bank account into your Bidvest Bank Easy Equities site the day before (to be safe) the Recurring Investment is set to take place.

There are 2 different types of Recurring Investment you can set up on the site as follows:

1. Shares and ETFs
Enables an Investor to set up a regular / frequent purchase of a particular share or ETF.

2. Bundles / Baskets

Enables an Investor to set up a regular / frequent purchase of a particular bundle / basket. 

The process around setting up a Recurring Investment is explained in this FAQ article

To view costs associated with Recurring Investments, please consult the Cost Profile of our technology partner EasyEquities which governs the fees on the platform.